Tuesday 2 February 2016

I Shout Out – A Platform To Speak Out Against Bullying

Everyone at some point of our lives has been victims of bully. Bullying is not just physical harm or threatening caused by one child to another at school, but it involves different repeated aggressive, verbal, social, physical, psychological and unwanted behavior by a person or a group towards a person or a group of people having lesser power. Even sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of religion and race are types of bullying. However, bullying is often related to the harassment caused by one student to the other.

You must have as well witnessed such cases or might have been a victim yourself of it while in school. But, you were unaware of what to do about it. In the same way, even today there are many students who doesn’t want to be bullied or even bully others or see others falling victim of it and even they are clueless about what to do about it. It is imperative that parents, teachers and students together should take all types of bullying very seriously and work together to stop it.

Stand up against bullying by joining the anti bullying campaign, which is intended to eradicate this evil from the world. You can as well join an anti bullying organization and work together to protect your children from falling victim of it and going through the same trauma that you had been through once upon a time. I-Shout-Out is campaign that is dedicated to building a more peaceful and tolerant world. Through it you can speak out against bullying as well as other types of harassment that you have or you are still facing. They believe that change will take place only when more and more people will be willing to stand up and speak against the intolerant behavior of others towards them.