Thursday 5 May 2016

Have you witnessed bullying? Shout It Out!

Every individual is different. Some of us are underweight, overweight, tall, short, transgender, gay, straight, have special needs….we belong to different religions, caste, sex, we dress and look differently.

There are many types of bullying. Some are tolerable while others are more subtle. Types of bullying included sexual bullying, emotional bullying, physical bullying, and cyber bullying.

Types of Bullying You Should Know About

Physical Bullying – It includes hitting, punching, kicking, shoving, slapping, and other physical attacks. This type of bullying is the easiest to identify.

Sexual Bullying – It includes unwelcome touching, unsophisticated comments, rude gestures, sexual name-calling, sexual propositioning and porn materials.

Emotional Bullying – It includes social actions designed to hurt a person’s reputation or cause embarrassment, like bad facial gestures, spreading rumors and lying, playing dirty jokes to humiliate a person, imitating a person in a mean way,encouraging social exclusion, etc.

Cyberbullying – Cyberbullying" is when a person is humiliated, threatened, tortured, or harassed using the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.

Together We Can Stand Up Against Bullying

Believe in yourself!

We can stand up against bullying by being tolerant, joining the anti-bullying campaign and STAND UP for each other.

Join the campaign for bullying and be the voice for those who were silenced.