Monday 11 July 2016

How to Deal With Bullies?

Bullying includes actions such as name calling, making threats, sexual harassment, spreading rumors, rude hand gestures, mean text messages, attacking someone verbally, emotionally, or physically and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

What to Do If You Experience Bullying? 
  • Make an eye contact with the bully and tell him or her to stop.
  • Feel your inner strength.
  • Know when to walk away.
  • Learn a few self-defense moves.
  • Spread the word that mistreatment, harassment, and nuisance have to stop.
  • Be smart and aware of everything.
  • Speak out against bullying

Stand up against bullying so that together we can be bully free.

What to Do When Your Friends or Family Members Are Bullied? 
  • Speak Out Against Bullying:Use phrases like “Stop bullying him/her”, “don’t humiliate her”, “I’m going to report this right now”.
  • Be a friend to the person being bullied.
  • Take legal action.
  • Tell the bully that you dislike the treatment, and make it clear that it has to stop immediately.
  • Avoid escalating the situation: Fighting with the bully is not at all safe and it won’t solve the bullying situation. Fighting is only going to make things worse.
For a bully free society, join the campaign for bullying!