Thursday 13 April 2017

4 Significant Reasons Why Teens are Involved in Bullying

There is no denying that fact that teenagers are bullies and bullied both.Evidently, teenagers are the most common victims of bullying.According to many studies done by organizations against bullying,it is teenagers, who are found responsible for carrying out the act of bullying against their peers most.

So, what are the common reasons behind why teenagers are involved in bullying? This blog makes an attempt to underline some of the most significant reasons why teenagers tend to become some of the most violent bullies –

Popularity and Acceptance 

At the back of many teens who bully others is their popularity. The sense of wide acceptance – no matter what they do – turns them into something else. They believe, each of their acts will be accepted by other no matter what they do. They often have a huge friend circle or shall we say, fan base. As a result, they start ignoring, making fun, or hating others for no genuine reasons.

Another significant reason why some teens mistreat others is because, it gives them some kind of pleasure while they hit or hurt someone in their close circle. They bully others just because it entertains them.They do this because they are bored.So, they make nonsensical jokes, hurtful comments, and even physically hurt others.

Attention Seeking

Everyone wants attention from others. But, some teens suffering from extreme lonesomeness choose to bully others with a view to seek attention. If they need someone’s attention, and they are not getting that, they might turn violent and mistreat that someone.

Some teens,who have had a bullied past become bully to take revenge of what happened to them. These kinds of bully are the most violent ones and they need special attention and consultation. The main idea behind providing them with proper consultation is to firmly stand up against bullying and speak out against bullying.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

3 Best Ways You Can Take a Stand Against Bullying

Bullying happens around us and we sometimes neglect such episodes and sometimes save the person being victimized.They need act and speak out against bullying.

The victims often tend to have a miserable life full of stress, fear, and sometimes, suicidal propensities. At times, victims also emerge as a violent bully who abuse others in their surroundings.
The best way to prevent bullying is to stand up firmly against it. A few other effective ways are:

Be friends with victims. People, who have been bullied,are the best source to learn more about the incident and the accused.Speaking to them, you will be able to know the prime reason of their act. You have to be nice with the victims so that they find it easy to recall everything.

Confront the bullies. If you see someone bullying a child, you should actively confront him or her.You have to tell the bully to stop and leave the kid while looking confidently in his or her eyes.

If you are kid or teenager and if you ever face this situation, you have to stay strong in front of them. You should tell them to stop and the consequences of their act in a strong voice. Here, staying strong does not mean you have to yell or shout. You have to say it all calmly but strongly and confidently.

Speak to the victim’s parents or teachers.
Even after your efforts to calm the kid, if you feel that he or she is not ready or in a condition to talk, you should better inform his or her parents or teachers – someone who the kid finds comfortable.

In case, if you do not find it possible to stop the bully, you can take help from an adult nearby. An adult will be able to stop bullying while it is taking place.

Bullying is a violent and shameful truth prevalent in the society. Bullies cause mental and physical harm to their victim. There is a need for everyone to stand up against bullying.