Friday 27 November 2015

How You Can Respond To Bullying?

How You Can Respond To Bullying?

When you see bullying, there are safe things you can do to stop it.

If a bully is threatening you, tell him or her that you are not OK with the harassment you're getting, and make it clear that it has to stop immediately. 

If the situation seems insulting or physically threatening, it's advisable to walk away. 

If you're being bullied by someone via Facebook, email or other social media networks, do not respond to the bully.

If the intolerance has reached the point where it's hurting you, speak out against bullying.

Stand up against bullying to build a more peaceful and tolerant world. 

Spread the word that bullying has to stop.

Don't be scared to stand up against bullying for yourself, or someone else. At least you have the courage.

Shout Out against Intolerance. Don't just speak out, do something.

However, Bullying can lead to real physical or emotional harm. If you're worried that your health or life is in danger, join anti-hate campaigns today. Remember, “Right is right”, even if no one is doing it and “Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it”.

Friday 24 July 2015

Four Effective Ways to Stop Bullying And Intolerance

Bullying is the use of power, coercion to abuseor threat, bully, or aggressively dominates others. The behavior is often frequent and habitual. But, there are four effective ways to stop bullying and intolerance.

Recognize types of bullying and respond-Bullying manifest as physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual acts that harm another person. Anti-bullying organizations help people understand about bullying and make an action plan to respond swiftly to incidents.

 Creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy-Provide opportunities to those who are bullied to share problems, feelings or ideas. Get people involved in organizing anti-bullying campaigns to create safe, inclusive and accepting climates.

Encourage those who want to stand up for others-If you see someone getting bullied in your society, raise your voice to stop it before it starts.

Educate your community-There are a number of things people can do to prevent bullying like joining anti-bullying organizations.

Join anti-bullying campaigns to spread alertness about the problem of bullying and figure out ways to resolve it. Anti-bullying organizations will listen to you and be there for you every time when you need them. 

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Are You Dealing With Some Intense Bullying Issues? Join Anti-Hate Program Now!

Every day more than 160,000 students stay home from school due to bullying in America. 1 out of 12 children are badly intimidated to the point that it affects their relationships, education, and even career in later life. These figures are to show you just how worse it gets, and how important an intervention of anti-hate program is. That’s why it’s become crucial to identify bullying, and become an active participant and advocate. We might not be able to permanently stop all types of bullying, but we can be assured that if it does happen; it won’t be ignored. 
Luckily, there are now many prominent anti-hate organizations, which are dedicated to building a more peaceful and tolerant world; and giving hope to bullied victims that it does get better.By adding your name to anti-hate campaigns, you will be taking affirmative action once and for all.One speech can be ignored, but many speeches together can echo beyond boundaries to make this world more beautiful and peaceful.

No matter where we are born, how young or old we look, what religion we follow, whether we belong to high-class or poor class, there is one thing we all share equally-‘Human Rights’. So, hurry up and join anti-hate organizations to address intolerance, to be heard, to take action, and to own a crucial social cause.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Support Organizations Against Bullying to Make This World More Peaceful

Today people are living in the world where they need to communicate with different backgrounds and viewpoints than ever before. Learning from young people to highlight open-mindedness is important to effectively becoming a part of the contemporary world and ensuring that the world does not fall into the same cycles of violence of its past.Organizations against Bullying are against all forms of intolerance. By joining programs to stop bullying, you can raise your voice beyond borders to make this world more serene.

Moreover, programs to stop bullying may not be able to guarantee zero bullying in communities and schools but it can help reduce it. 

Join anti-hate organizations to stop bullying

“I Shout Out” is a campaign for those who want to raise their voice against intolerance, racism, bullying, while promoting the bullying prevention program. It’s a virtual wall where you can shout out for others who cannot. With the help of organizations against Bullying, you can make your voice heard beyond boundaries to make this world more peaceful. The ultimate objective of anti-hate organizations is to empower young people with the tools essential to making collectively responsible choices and create justifiable change.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Anti Hate Program Sends a Message to All Humanity

When the series COSMOS first aired in 1980, famous cosmologist Carl Sagan asked the question in the last episode. The question was, “Who speaks for us?” He proposed that if there is an alien life, which has kept earth under their observation for millenniums, what message would they infer from our activities? Of course, they will understand that they are observing an intelligent form of life, but one question may plague their mind. What kind of intelligent species engages in mutual and self-destruction? It raises the question that Carl Sagan asked in COSMOS, as we clearly have failed to understand the solidarity that exists among the species as other forms of life exhibit.
The mutual intolerance and hatred growing among humans for each other made Carl Sagan worry about the future of human species. Many organizations against bullying raise awareness about the similar aspect by their anti-hate campaigns, which aim at encouraging mutual respect for other human beings. These organizations toil hard to create an atmosphere of tolerance, respect and compassion for other human beings from different parts of the world.

 We have, but one planet, and we must ensure to protect all those who reside in it. Our planet, the "pale blue dot", "a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam" is what we have, and it is our responsibility to save it from ourselves. It is the universal message we need to send.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Raise Your Voice Against Hatred

Hatred is often blind, much like love, making humans vulnerable to believe things that simply are not real. Unfortunately, many of us became a victim of the racism hatred which is characterized by culturalbias or discrimination, spiritual and politically-based hatred or hatred based on sexual orientation.

Have you ever become a victim of hatred and want to know how to deal with it? Feeling of hate can make your life a lot more challenging do deal with; however, it’s a right time to join anti-hate campaigns to raise your voice against injustice.

Join Anti-hate organizations to stop hate 

“I Shout Out” is a campaign for those who want to speak aloud against anti-bullying, intolerance, racism, while promoting programs to stop hate.  It’s a virtual wall where you can share your experiences and make your voice heard.  With the help of anti-hate campaigns, you can shout out for those who cannot.

Never be afraid to raise your voice against hatred or anti-bullying 

If people all over the world would shout out against hatred or bullying, it would change the earth.The best way to stop bullying is to join bullying prevention program.
So, what are you waiting for? Shout-Out now against bullying and hatred.

Participate in Anti-Bullying Programs to Stop Bullying

Every individual is different. Some of us are tall, short, obese, underweight, gay, transgender, have unique needs. We have different choices and look in a different way. Bullying knows no boundaries. Bullying statics shows that almost every individual will experience some type of bullying. We can shout out for bullying by being open-minded, kind and well-mannered and raise a voice for each other. We all dance to a different percussionist – but the truth is we are ALL the same because we are ALL individuals. No one should get to intimidate for any reason!! NO MATTER.

However, there are different forms of bullying. Few of which have been mentioned below:

Physical Bullying: Physical bullying includes kicking, pushing, punching, slapping, hitting and other physical attacks.

Verbal Bullying: It includes backbiting ad can leave deep psychological marks.

Cyber bullying: Cyber bullying includes posting painful pictures, making online threats, and sending painful e-mails or text messages.

Sexual Bullying: Bullying about a girl’s look, appeal, or sexual assault.

Have you even witnessed bullying?

If you have ever witnessed bullying, you can help stop it by finding anti-bullying organizations.

Take action!

By running successful anti bullying programs, you can stand up for others if you see them physical, verbal, of sexual bullied.

So, if you are ever be bullied in any way, participate in i-shout-out campaign now!