Tuesday 17 March 2015

Participate in Anti-Bullying Programs to Stop Bullying

Every individual is different. Some of us are tall, short, obese, underweight, gay, transgender, have unique needs. We have different choices and look in a different way. Bullying knows no boundaries. Bullying statics shows that almost every individual will experience some type of bullying. We can shout out for bullying by being open-minded, kind and well-mannered and raise a voice for each other. We all dance to a different percussionist – but the truth is we are ALL the same because we are ALL individuals. No one should get to intimidate for any reason!! NO MATTER.

However, there are different forms of bullying. Few of which have been mentioned below:

Physical Bullying: Physical bullying includes kicking, pushing, punching, slapping, hitting and other physical attacks.

Verbal Bullying: It includes backbiting ad can leave deep psychological marks.

Cyber bullying: Cyber bullying includes posting painful pictures, making online threats, and sending painful e-mails or text messages.

Sexual Bullying: Bullying about a girl’s look, appeal, or sexual assault.

Have you even witnessed bullying?

If you have ever witnessed bullying, you can help stop it by finding anti-bullying organizations.

Take action!

By running successful anti bullying programs, you can stand up for others if you see them physical, verbal, of sexual bullied.

So, if you are ever be bullied in any way, participate in i-shout-out campaign now!

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