Thursday 3 March 2016

Join Anti-Bullying Organizations – Bullying Is Never Cool, Acceptable or Okay

Bullying is when someone is being physically or emotionally hurt either by actions or words, feels depressed or agitated because of it, and has problems avoiding what is happening to them. Physical Bullying can be pushing and shoving, yelling at someone, fighting, hitting, tripping, taking or breaking another person’s things, or making rude gestures whereas emotional bullying can be laughing at someone, name calling, leaving someone out on purpose, making fun of someone, starting rumors or telling lies about someone, trying to make someone feel bad about who they are, and sending mean messages on a computer or cell phone.

Where Does Bullying Happen?

Bullying can happen anywhere. It can occur at school, while going to school, in your neighborhood, and while on-line.

How Can You Help? 

If you see someone being bullied, stand up against bullying. When people are willing to shout out for those who cannot, they can make a difference.Let others know that you don’t deserve to be bullied, you’ll not accept bullying in your neighborhood or at your school, and others will be more willing to speak up, too.

If you see bullying, you can join an anti-bullying organization.  Ask friends to join you in anti-bullying campaign. Bullying is never cool, acceptable or okay.

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