Thursday 20 October 2016

Finding Ways to Stop Bullying: Join Anti-Bullying Organization

Bullying is unwelcome, aggressive, and annoying behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.Bullying includes actions such as teasing, name-calling, making threats, taunting, leaving someone out on purpose, spreading rumors, hitting, kicking, pinching, and making mean and rude hand gestures. People who are bullied can experience negative verbal, emotional, physical, and mental health issues like depression, anxiety, early engagement in sexual activity, and excessive usage of alcohol and drugs. So, the best way to show your commitment to tackling bullying is to join anti-bullying organization.

Join Bullying Prevention Organization and Speak For the Souls Who Are Silence

To empower people to shout out against bullying – whether it is happening to their loved ones or to someone else, whether verbal, physical, sexual or emotional, face to face or online. Anti-bullying camping is a great opportunity to stop bullying and change lives. Organizations against bullying are set up for those who want to learn more about bullying, intolerance, injustice, prejudice, and how to prevent and stop it.

Bullying is such a massive issue for millions of people across the world. We need to encourage our friends, family members, relatives, and children to join anti-bullying campaigns and make a noise against bullying.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Effective Ways To Stop Bullying

When bullying takes place, a clear ‘NO’ is essential. There are many other ways in which people can reply to bullying. However, the prime motto of any intervention should always be the same:

  • To stop bullying and change the bully’s behavior
  • To make the victim safe
  • To make clear to every other person that bullying is intolerable
  • To learn lessons from the experience that can be applied in future
Support the Victim Who Is Bullied

The initial point for any interference should be to talk to a victim, who has been harassed or bullied, know what has happened and speak out against bullying:

  • Take mistreatment seriously and avoid telling people to ‘just walk away’.
  • Make time to listen to the victim coolly, using effective listening techniques.
  • Avoid embarrassing the victim by taking steps which make them seem worthless or powerless.
  • Agree on an action plan with his or her consent or ask them to join the anti-hate program.
  • Help the target become stronger, for example by building up their confidence, highlighting their strong points and helping them to develop secure feelings.
Get Help Now! 

When you or your loved one is being harassed or bullied, there are many actions to take to help solve the situation. Make sure you realize what violence is and what it is not, the symptoms of bullying, and how anti-bullying campaigns can help.