Sunday 25 December 2016

How Can You Help to Fight Hatred and Intolerance?

The stress and emotional damage of bullying is indescribable. While some victims of bullying stand up to it, some hide from it. Some kids and teens are so traumatized that they avoid going to school or talking to their friends. This emotional scar will take a really long time to go away. For some it just stays and brings back bad memories. Bullies are everywhere. When they see a person different from them, they harass them mentally and physically. No one had any awareness about bullying in the past. As the consequences of this hateful act became very severe, parents and supporters against bullying woke up to it. Now through anti-bullying campaigns, one can support and help empower victims of hate and bullying.

Campaigns for anti-bullying
Anti-bullying organizations usually run powerful campaigns against bullying. When you support these organizations, you become a part of them and together you can fight for the same cause. If you were a victim of bullying once, you can help other victims by extending your support through bullying prevention campaigns that these organizations run. These organizations offer a platform so that your voice can be heard. Change occurs when more people join hands to fight for a single cause that is affecting kids around the world.

Creating a better place

The world can sometimes be a scary place to live in. With acts of hate and intolerance on the rise, the one thing that could create change is change itself. Anti-bullying organizations strive to end bullying in schools, colleges and work places. They create awareness among parents, teachers and kids and help them understand that bullying is a serious issue and can completely break a person. Campaigns for bullying focus on making the world a peaceful place through their messages that focuses on love, acceptance and tolerance.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Finding Ways to Stop Bullying: Join Anti-Bullying Organization

Bullying is unwelcome, aggressive, and annoying behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.Bullying includes actions such as teasing, name-calling, making threats, taunting, leaving someone out on purpose, spreading rumors, hitting, kicking, pinching, and making mean and rude hand gestures. People who are bullied can experience negative verbal, emotional, physical, and mental health issues like depression, anxiety, early engagement in sexual activity, and excessive usage of alcohol and drugs. So, the best way to show your commitment to tackling bullying is to join anti-bullying organization.

Join Bullying Prevention Organization and Speak For the Souls Who Are Silence

To empower people to shout out against bullying – whether it is happening to their loved ones or to someone else, whether verbal, physical, sexual or emotional, face to face or online. Anti-bullying camping is a great opportunity to stop bullying and change lives. Organizations against bullying are set up for those who want to learn more about bullying, intolerance, injustice, prejudice, and how to prevent and stop it.

Bullying is such a massive issue for millions of people across the world. We need to encourage our friends, family members, relatives, and children to join anti-bullying campaigns and make a noise against bullying.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Effective Ways To Stop Bullying

When bullying takes place, a clear ‘NO’ is essential. There are many other ways in which people can reply to bullying. However, the prime motto of any intervention should always be the same:

  • To stop bullying and change the bully’s behavior
  • To make the victim safe
  • To make clear to every other person that bullying is intolerable
  • To learn lessons from the experience that can be applied in future
Support the Victim Who Is Bullied

The initial point for any interference should be to talk to a victim, who has been harassed or bullied, know what has happened and speak out against bullying:

  • Take mistreatment seriously and avoid telling people to ‘just walk away’.
  • Make time to listen to the victim coolly, using effective listening techniques.
  • Avoid embarrassing the victim by taking steps which make them seem worthless or powerless.
  • Agree on an action plan with his or her consent or ask them to join the anti-hate program.
  • Help the target become stronger, for example by building up their confidence, highlighting their strong points and helping them to develop secure feelings.
Get Help Now! 

When you or your loved one is being harassed or bullied, there are many actions to take to help solve the situation. Make sure you realize what violence is and what it is not, the symptoms of bullying, and how anti-bullying campaigns can help. 

Tuesday 20 September 2016

What You Can Do if Bullying Happens?

Bullying is aconstant misuse of control in relationships through repeated physical, sexual, verbal, or social behavior that causes physical and/or emotional harm.Bullying can take place in person or online. 

Impact of Bullying    

Bullying affects every person involved, including those who see it. It can have a serious, long-lasting impact in addition to the immediate destructive effects.    People who are bullied are more likely to experience:
  •  Low self-esteem
  • Feel wary or suspicious of others
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Change in eating habits
  • Increased feelings of sadness and loneliness
  • Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy
  • Have a higher risk of suicide
How to Stop Bullying?
  •   Identify bullying issues and communicating clearly with all involved
  • Tell the bully that their behavior is not acceptable
  • Try to act unaffected or unimpressed
  • Take actions to reduce bullying
  • Bullying that appears to involve criminal behavior such as threats, violence, fear, provoking etc., should be reported immediately
Preventing bullying through promoting a positive culture in your community
Join organizations against bullying and shout out for those who cannot
Anti-hate programsand program for bullying are one of the most important aspects of the work that people need to do to counter bullying.

Monday 11 July 2016

How to Deal With Bullies?

Bullying includes actions such as name calling, making threats, sexual harassment, spreading rumors, rude hand gestures, mean text messages, attacking someone verbally, emotionally, or physically and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

What to Do If You Experience Bullying? 
  • Make an eye contact with the bully and tell him or her to stop.
  • Feel your inner strength.
  • Know when to walk away.
  • Learn a few self-defense moves.
  • Spread the word that mistreatment, harassment, and nuisance have to stop.
  • Be smart and aware of everything.
  • Speak out against bullying

Stand up against bullying so that together we can be bully free.

What to Do When Your Friends or Family Members Are Bullied? 
  • Speak Out Against Bullying:Use phrases like “Stop bullying him/her”, “don’t humiliate her”, “I’m going to report this right now”.
  • Be a friend to the person being bullied.
  • Take legal action.
  • Tell the bully that you dislike the treatment, and make it clear that it has to stop immediately.
  • Avoid escalating the situation: Fighting with the bully is not at all safe and it won’t solve the bullying situation. Fighting is only going to make things worse.
For a bully free society, join the campaign for bullying!

Thursday 5 May 2016

Have you witnessed bullying? Shout It Out!

Every individual is different. Some of us are underweight, overweight, tall, short, transgender, gay, straight, have special needs….we belong to different religions, caste, sex, we dress and look differently.

There are many types of bullying. Some are tolerable while others are more subtle. Types of bullying included sexual bullying, emotional bullying, physical bullying, and cyber bullying.

Types of Bullying You Should Know About

Physical Bullying – It includes hitting, punching, kicking, shoving, slapping, and other physical attacks. This type of bullying is the easiest to identify.

Sexual Bullying – It includes unwelcome touching, unsophisticated comments, rude gestures, sexual name-calling, sexual propositioning and porn materials.

Emotional Bullying – It includes social actions designed to hurt a person’s reputation or cause embarrassment, like bad facial gestures, spreading rumors and lying, playing dirty jokes to humiliate a person, imitating a person in a mean way,encouraging social exclusion, etc.

Cyberbullying – Cyberbullying" is when a person is humiliated, threatened, tortured, or harassed using the internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.

Together We Can Stand Up Against Bullying

Believe in yourself!

We can stand up against bullying by being tolerant, joining the anti-bullying campaign and STAND UP for each other.

Join the campaign for bullying and be the voice for those who were silenced.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Join Anti-Bullying Organizations – Bullying Is Never Cool, Acceptable or Okay

Bullying is when someone is being physically or emotionally hurt either by actions or words, feels depressed or agitated because of it, and has problems avoiding what is happening to them. Physical Bullying can be pushing and shoving, yelling at someone, fighting, hitting, tripping, taking or breaking another person’s things, or making rude gestures whereas emotional bullying can be laughing at someone, name calling, leaving someone out on purpose, making fun of someone, starting rumors or telling lies about someone, trying to make someone feel bad about who they are, and sending mean messages on a computer or cell phone.

Where Does Bullying Happen?

Bullying can happen anywhere. It can occur at school, while going to school, in your neighborhood, and while on-line.

How Can You Help? 

If you see someone being bullied, stand up against bullying. When people are willing to shout out for those who cannot, they can make a difference.Let others know that you don’t deserve to be bullied, you’ll not accept bullying in your neighborhood or at your school, and others will be more willing to speak up, too.

If you see bullying, you can join an anti-bullying organization.  Ask friends to join you in anti-bullying campaign. Bullying is never cool, acceptable or okay.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

I Shout Out – A Platform To Speak Out Against Bullying

Everyone at some point of our lives has been victims of bully. Bullying is not just physical harm or threatening caused by one child to another at school, but it involves different repeated aggressive, verbal, social, physical, psychological and unwanted behavior by a person or a group towards a person or a group of people having lesser power. Even sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of religion and race are types of bullying. However, bullying is often related to the harassment caused by one student to the other.

You must have as well witnessed such cases or might have been a victim yourself of it while in school. But, you were unaware of what to do about it. In the same way, even today there are many students who doesn’t want to be bullied or even bully others or see others falling victim of it and even they are clueless about what to do about it. It is imperative that parents, teachers and students together should take all types of bullying very seriously and work together to stop it.

Stand up against bullying by joining the anti bullying campaign, which is intended to eradicate this evil from the world. You can as well join an anti bullying organization and work together to protect your children from falling victim of it and going through the same trauma that you had been through once upon a time. I-Shout-Out is campaign that is dedicated to building a more peaceful and tolerant world. Through it you can speak out against bullying as well as other types of harassment that you have or you are still facing. They believe that change will take place only when more and more people will be willing to stand up and speak against the intolerant behavior of others towards them.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Join Anti-Bullying Organization To Help Make Your Society Bully-Proof?

Programs to stop bullying are being created across the country in an effort to stop bullying in both societies and schools at large. Not bullying can be found in schools and communities; it is also showing a strong presence on the internet as well.

 Programs to stop hate and bullying in schools and communities serve many purposes, including: ·
  •  Provide information about what is bullying? And what are the types of bullying? · 
  •  Enforces ‘NO’ tolerance policies that pertain to bullying.
  •  Gives people a place to SHOUT OUT if they have been bullied or feel as if they are being threatened, teased or harassed · 
  • Teach others what to do if they believe someone is being harassed or bullied.
Anti bullying and anti hate programs are, however, designed to teach people and raise awareness to speak out about what is wrong going on around them.It should be the aim of every participant to speak out about bullying so that it can be at least prevented and the risk of permanent damage averted. The No Bully programs to stop bullying are a set of sensibly planned steps to help stop bullying and protect people from becoming sufferers. So, Wake up! And be the voice for those who were silenced.